NCCC Members,
The Glennie Nature Salon is back for 2020, and it’s time to get your best nature, wildlife and landscape images ready for competition! The 39th Glennie Nature Salon is open to camera clubs / photographic associations worldwide, and is one of the premier, international all-nature club competitions. The salon is well known for its diverse subjects that range from animals to botany to landscapes. It’s not uncommon to have members of over 100 different camera clubs participate in this competition, and our club will be competing again this year.
This serves as a call to all NCCC members who would like the chance to participate in this nature photo competition. I will be coordinating our club’s entries again this year, so please send me your entries by no later than Sunday, February 9th. There is a strict limit of 2 images per NCCC member. Please send your entries to the club President, Dave. When sending me your images, please be sure to write “Glennie Submissions” in the subject line, as that will help me to keep things organized.
I’ve attached a PDF containing all the important contest rules / image preparation info to this email… I ask that you please review it carefully, as these guidelines will enable you to prepare your images per contest rules. We are limited to a total of 10 club entries for this competition… Those entries will be determined by the NCCC selection committee from the pool of all member entries received.
I hope that you’ll consider participating in this prestigious photo competition!
Best of luck!